About Me

My name is Christa Cooper

I am a Software Engineering Graduate with a degree in Business Finance.
After many years in the Finance world I decided to take the leap and go back to school to become a Software Engineer.
I like to create things that will make everyday tasks easier for everyday people.

My Certificates

Click on the certificate to see the Class Information

Web Development Fundamentals, HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Web Development Fundamentals, HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Web Development Fundamentals, HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Web Development Fundamentals, HTML, CSS and JavaScript

As a beginner's course in web development, I have acquired a foundation in the three pillars of the Internet, which are essential for building robust web applications.

Python Fundamentals, Data Structures, and Algorithms

Python Fundamentals, Data Structures, and Algorithms

Python Fundamentals, Data Structures, and Algorithms

Python Fundamentals, Data Structures, and Algorithms

This comprehensive course on Python programming taught me fundamental concepts such as loops and functions, complex data structures, as well as advanced topics such as classes, object-oriented programming concepts, and the most commonly used algorithms.

SQL and Python

SQL and Python

SQL and Python

SQL and Python

I have gained expertise in designing and utilizing relational databases using SQL, the most widely used database language globally, through a comprehensive course. Specifically, I have hands-on experience in using PostgreSQL, a popular version of SQL, and linking it to Python applications to create robust back-end systems capable of handling complex data with ease.


Modern Software Engineering with DevOps

Modern Software Engineering with DevOps

Modern Software Engineering with DevOps

Modern Software Engineering with DevOps

Experience in taking my projects from development to production using the latest methodologies and techniques, which includes hands-on experience in SDLC and Agile methodologies, DevOps, and CI/CD pipelines. Proficiency in deploying applications to the top three cloud providers, Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, & Google Cloud/Firestore.

Back End, SQL, and DevOps Developer with Python

Back End, SQL, and DevOps Developer with Python

with Honors
Back End, SQL, and DevOps Developer with Python

Back End, SQL, and DevOps Developer with Python

with Honors

In this intensive 16-week course, I acquired the knowledge and skills to build resilient applications using Python and SQL. By mastering data structures and algorithms, I developed a deep understanding of efficient coding practices and problem-solving techniques and Graduated with Honors.

Front-End Web UI Framework, Bootstrap

Front-End Web UI Framework, Bootstrap

Front-End Web UI Framework, Bootstrap

Front-End Web UI Framework, Bootstrap

Using the Bootstrap library, I gained hands-on experience in designing websites that cater to all screen sizes, utilizing grids and responsive design techniques. Moreover, I have gained proficiency in working with Bootstrap CSS and JavaScript components, enabling me to create robust and dynamic web applications.


Front End JavaScript Library, React

Front End JavaScript Library, React

Front End JavaScript Library, React

Front End JavaScript Library, React

I have completed a comprehensive course that has provided me with expertise in the #1 JavaScript library for building websites, React. I have gained hands-on experience in advanced aspects of JavaScript ES6, functional components using React Hooks, and developing state-aware applications using the latest Redux toolkit.

Multiplatform Mobile App Development with React Native

Multiplatform Mobile App Development with React Native

Multiplatform Mobile App Development with React Native

Multiplatform Mobile App Development with React Native

I gained hands-on experience in updating and packaging responsive websites built using Bootstrap and React as true mobile applications for the Apple Store or Google Play. Utilizing React Native and the Expo SDK, I accessed all native hardware capabilities of modern phones and tablets.

Server-side Development with NodeJS, Express and MongoDB

Server-side Development with NodeJS, Express and MongoDB

Server-side Development with NodeJS, Express and MongoDB

Server-side Development with NodeJS, Express and MongoDB

I gained expertise in storing data and integrating it with websites and mobile apps, while learning about user authentication and cybersecurity measures. Hands-on experience in utilizing NodeJS, the server-side foundation, and MongoDB, the database engine.


Cybersecurity Foundations

Cybersecurity Foundations

Front End JavaScript Library, React

Cybersecurity Foundations

The first of three 4-week cybersecurity courses it covered a wide range of topics, including identifying and analyzing cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities, utilizing key technologies and tools for effective digital protection and risk management, and implementing cryptographic solutions and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). I also gained valuable insights into how technologies safeguard data and manage digital threats.

Network Defense and Security

Network Defense and Security

Network Defense and Security

Network Defense and Security

This second course in a three-part cybersecurity series focused on network security, emphasizing defense-in-depth strategies for robust protection. I gained practical experience in controlling network access, developing security policies, and protecting endpoints. The course also covered the role of physical security and cryptography in securing network communications.

Ethical Hacking

Ethical Hacking

Ethical Hacking

Ethical Hacking

This final course in the cybersecurity series provided a comprehensive understanding of ethical hacking, teaching me to assess systems for vulnerabilities. I explored advanced topics like network scanning, system hacking, and malware, with practical sessions on sniffing and social engineering. The course concluded with advanced attack strategies and defense evasion techniques, equipping me with the skills to protect against sophisticated cybersecurity threats.


My Skills

    Fundamental Technical Skills

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Data Structures
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Python
  • SQL/PostgreSQL Databases
  • Bootstrap
  • SCSS
  • Responsive Web Design
  • Mobile-First Design Principles
  • Cross-Platform Design
  • Wire-framing
  • Version Control (GitHub, etc.)
  • Agile methods

    Advanced Technical Skills

  • React.Js
  • Redux/Context
  • Dependencies
  • React Native
  • Android Studio/Emulators
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • MongoDB/Atlas
  • NoSQL Databases
  • DevOps
  • Flask/Insomnia
  • CI/CD Pipelines
  • Cloud Deployments (AWS, GCS, Azure)
  • Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC)
  • Docker and Kubernetes

    Soft Skills

  • Communication
  • Teamwork
  • Planning/Coordination with teams
  • Results-oriented
  • Responsiveness
  • Growth mindset
  • Adaptability
  • Resourcefulness
  • Willingness to learn
  • Problem-solving
  • Critical thinking
  • Reliability
  • Always Positive
  • Willing to Mentor or be Mentored
  • Takes Initiative
desk image

My Projects

Projects I have completed or collaborated with others


The Dog Food App

Myself and two classmates in React Native made an app for a Non-Profit in Portland, OR that accept dog food donations and redistributes it to the needy. The app helps them with Inventory control, and keeping track of donor and recipients information.



My Nucamp Honors project for the Backend Bootcamp, written in Django, incorporates advanced tools and techniques such as Figma for wireframing, Docker for containerization, Python for backend logic, and utilizes mixins and models to structure the application effectively.


Random Quote Generator

One of my first beginner projects was this small JavaScript application that utilized the Quotable API to generate random motivational quotes, combining HTML, CSS, scripts, and event listeners to create a simple yet effective user experience.

Update: Quotable API is offline, need to find another free API.


React To-Do App

I recreated my Honors To-Do List in React as a work in progress, where I'm still working on adding a due date feature. The project incorporates date-picker, Bootstrap, forms, icons, and Reactstrap to enhance its functionality and design.


My Blog

Join me on a journey as I build this project for my portfolio. It is titled "My Blog" and I will be continuously adding new features and functionality, using technologies such as React, Popper, Bootstrap, Firebase, Lodash, Owl Carousel, Toastify, Sass, and OAuth, and more as it progresses along.


Advanced Weather App

This Weather App is a twist on the standard app, as it showcases advanced development skills by integrating React with Axios for seamless API calls, utilizing Sass for styling, implementing widgets and icons for a dynamic user experience, leveraging Context for state management, also enabling smooth scrolling, and managing environments effectively.

Contact Me